Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas Message 2013

Christmas Greetings 2013!

We enjoy receiving annual update letters this time of year so we decided to give it a try ourselves.  Please do not expect any Pulitzer-prized documentary but hopefully you will enjoy our ramblings which are presented not in any particular order.

The Tracey Family enjoys its annual tradition of gathering-of-the-troops for a family reunion and in doing such we hold these gala events across the country in an effort to visit sights where a family member lives. As spread-out as we are, our annual treks have taken us (at least once) to Toledo, OH; Sacramento, CA; Colorado Springs, CO; Disney World, Ft. Lauderdale, FL; and San Antonio, TX.  This year (2013) however, we deviated from this tradition slightly so we could attend Mom Tracey’s 90th Birthday / Family Reunion, in Connecticut.  The “family reunion” in this instance was all seven of MomT’s children and as many of her relatives/grandchildren/friends that could attend. Some traveled as far away as Point Lay, Alaska, (look it up on a map, you will be impressed), and as near as already there (zero travel). In addition to MomT celebrating 90 years, what was super-special about this event was that this was the first time in too-many decades that all of the seven siblings (Traceski Tribe) were in the same place at the same time – and we did not kill one another (ha)!  We hope that you enjoy this photo of what the seven of us looked like approximately 60 years ago.  We thought that this was a better picture than one showing what we all look like today - oldie but goodie vs. old but not as good!

Another significant event this year was MSgt Sandra K. Mitchell’s retirement from the USAF as a Signals Intelligence Analyst Training Manager for the Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance Agency at Lackland AFB, TX, (whew). After 21.5 years her chance to stay at home with her four kids finally arrived - this made us very excited for Sandy and her family.  Sandy offered us the opportunity to participate in her retirement ceremony and she asked if I would wear my “old” USAF uniform. I told her that I didn’t have my old uniform; therefore I was not going to wear one to her retirement. Having said that, Patty and I felt like kids as we secretly drove to Travis AFB to be fitted in a new uniform for me. On the morning of her retirement, we had great pleasure surprising Sandy with me in full uniform! 

 Unfortunately life is not always kind or predictable.  The Bible tells us that in our lives we will have tribulations: “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)  For Patty and I this was our first year without her mom (Doris) and also without a great friend and Air Force buddy, Mike Weibel.  Doris lived to the ripe age of 94 years, which is a grand feat itself.  Mike, however, left this world way too soon, way too young and he, like Doris, left voids in our lives.  Both of their memories remain with us and are part of our daily being!

Many of you know that Patty and I moved to Sacramento over seven years ago to care for her mom after her dad passed away. Now, following the passing of Doris, we are planning to move back to Florida early next year (2014). God willing, our new residence will be in the Villages, FL, sometimes referred to as “Disneyland for Adults”, and any of you that follow Patty’s Facebook postings know all you need to know about “The Villages”. We have a few obstacles to overcome in the meantime so stay tuned for further updates!

 OK, that’s enough for now and we hope that you enjoyed reading this as much as we enjoyed putting it all together.  We’ll leave you with our Red Sox self-portrait in recognition of the BOSOX winning the 2013 World Series.


In closing we wish you a

Merry Christmas

 and a happy, healthy 2014!