Sunday, December 20, 2020

The Realities of COVID-19


The Realities of COVID-19


Whenever someone asks me to discuss COVID-19 and/or masks I usually say to myself “Uh Oh” and then I pray for guidance to respond with a message of faith and love because I can be rather abrupt at times. As such, please note that this is an “opinion based” piece of which I ask not of the readers to change their mindsets, just to understand mine!


Why ask me? Over the years, God has led me down a path where physical wellness and Biblical knowledge merge as discoveries according to His Word. As Christians, we all know that our body is God’s Temple where His Holy Spirit has taken residence following our spiritual rebirth; hence, we are commanded to treat our bodies as such. This certainly applies to today’s environment as the Evil One tries to mislead and manipulate our lives regarding COVID-19.


There are several points regarding the realities of COVID-19.


Point #1: Disclaimer. I am not a medical doctor or physician of any licensed nature and as such I am not intentionally dispensing medical advice. I only repeat what I have read or learned from medical sources that I trust so when I am asked about real health issues I try to preface with that disclaimer. I either quote or reference other sources or describe what I would do, or what I am doing, in each instance.


Point #2: Is COVID-19 real? Yes! But so were the previous many other COVIDS that still exist, such as the SARS and the MERS, along with the HCoV-OC43 which is the virus associated with the common cold and Flu (same class of strains). Of course this begs the question…”what is different with this current virus versus all the other previous viruses to require such drastic responses as destroying almost half of the world’s economy and forcing social upheavals not seen since the days of the Black Plague?”  Great question! Certainly a virus with a recovery rate of over 99.9% does not substantiate the draconian measures that most local, state, and federal governments are forcing upon its citizens.


Point #3: COVID-19 Tests. There are three test types currently administered – Antigen, Antibody, and PCR. However, there is NO test that isolates COVID-19. Said differently, testing positive from any of these three tests does not determine if one definitely has the virus, per CDC and validated by the State of Florida Department of Health. This is critical because almost every governmental and media source declare “positive for COVID-19” for every test that comes back as positive. CDC Director Dr. Fauci, back in March 2020, stated that because it cannot be determined if a positive test result is COVID-19 or not, then every positive test will be considered as positive for COVID-19.  The same directive applies to death certificates if it cannot be determined if one dies from or with COVID-19. Think about that next time you hear of “spikes” of those infected or those that died from COVID-19!


Specifically addressing PCR test results, an article from GreenMedInfo dated December 14, 2020:

“The genetic sequences used in PCRs to detect suspected SARS-CoV-2 and to diagnose cases of illness and death attributed to COVID-19 are present in dozens of sequences of the human genome itself and in those of about a hundred microbes. And that includes the initiators or primers, the most extensive fragments taken at random from their supposed "genome" and even the so-called "target genes" allegedly specific to the "new coronavirus". The test is worthless and all "positive" results obtained so far should be scientifically invalidated and communicated to those affected; and if they are deceased, to their relatives. Stephen Bustin, one of the world's leading experts on PCR, in fact says that under certain conditions anyone can test positive!”


Point #4: Masks:  Welcome to the new world religion, or at least it seems to be. Just like belief in God, there are two mask camps – those who believe and those that do not. Fortunately our eternal salvation does not hinge on which camp we fall into but those who do not believe certainly face persecution of varying degrees on a continual basis from those that do believe. What I find intriguing is how many of the mask believers’ threat masks as a “super shield” supposedly providing an invisible field of protection surrounding their entire being. Unfortunately there are political influences that perpetuate the alleged need for masks as a guise for their hidden agendas.


Given the above, it is reassuring that Calvary Chapel Villages has listened to the concerns resulting in positive steps / directions regarding social distancing and mask protocols. In my opinion, Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis also deserves recognition in entrusting you and me to decide for ourselves instead of issuing a government mandate. If God loves us so much that He endows us with “Free Will” then so should our government.


Do masks work? Again, belief depends upon which world religion you belong to but remember two points about masks: First, the size of a virus is many times smaller than that of mask filtering. Once one clears away the biased smoke, there is only one truth about the protective properties of masks which is - if air can get through the mask then so can the virus. I like the visual analogy which states “wearing a mask to block the passage of the virus is like installing a chain link fence to prevent mosquitoes from getting through.” Second, whenever one touches a mask being worn, the efficacy of that mask is then violated / corrupted forcing germs and viruses adhering to the mask to penetrate through the mask (to be breathed in) AND onto one’s fingers. Think about those infected fingers next time you dine out where the staffs wear masks and observe how many times your server adjusts his/her mask and then proceeds to serve your food. For this reason alone I prefer eating establishments that do not require staff to wear masks.


Point 5: Protective measures.

Leviticus 13: 45, 46 (NIV)

“Anyone with such a defiling disease must wear torn clothes, let their hair be unkempt, cover the lower part of their face and cry out, ‘Unclean! Unclean!’  As long as they have the disease they remain unclean. They must live alone; they must live outside the camp.”


From scripture, God reveals His plan to protect the healthy when others are contaminated. Back in the Old Testament days, leprosy was a major concern and although leprosy has been contained since then, man is confronted with many more like diseases. Regardless, God’s wisdom states that we are to isolate the sick and the sick are to cover their mouths when they have to speak (confront the healthy).  Of course, the World says otherwise so let’s remember in that in 2 Corinthians 1:12, Paul tells us to “rely not on worldly wisdom but on God’s grace.” So in today’s vernacular, “isolate the sick” translates to social distance / quarantine and “cover their mouths” equates to masks, so the sick should be distanced and only the sick should wear mask when they have to interact with others, whereas the World wants us to believe that everyone should be wearing masks and shutting down all but essential activities and forced isolation are the only means to recovery.


Do I want to believe God or man? I am reminded that we are called to be in the world but not of the world.



Good news is that according to most health “experts” the best protection advice is to social distance, wash hands with soap, and keep hands off the face. Find comfort in the fact that viruses cannot penetrate healthy skin so if you make physical contact with someone or something that you have doubts about then keep you hands off your face until neutralized with soap. Try to avoid excessive use of sanitary lotions and sprays as they have a negative effect on your immune system. Also from these sources the more effective supplements are zinc, vitamin D+, vitamin C (not synthetic C), and B+.


From God’s design, the best defense for all diseases is a strong immune system – healthy diets, exercise, and fresh air. You are in control of your immunity!


Personal observation: Almost as many I see in grocery stores wearing masks (because they are concerned about their health?), I glance to see what is in their shopping carts to determine just how concerned they really are about their health. Let’s just say that most should keep their masks over their mouths so they can’t eat the garbage foods that are in their carts. Hypocrisy at its finest…but then I am judging!


Speaking of judging, realize that there are many people that cannot, or should not, wear masks for medical reasons, so please try not to judge by appearances. Be blessed that you are healthy enough to wear a mask without concern. Or perhaps if you knew that wearing a mask for extended periods has many negative impacts on your internal health then maybe you would consider not wearing one yourself. And if you are one to question why businesses allow maskless shoppers in their establishments in apparent violation of their posted policy otherwise, realize that there are Federal laws that protect the disabled such as:

·        American with Disabilities Act (ADA)

·        HIPPA (first offense $75,000)

·        OSHA


In closing, you might appreciate that no conspiracy theories were presented although they abound! Or that “End Time” theories were omitted although they are ever present and prevailing. Finally, the elephant in the room – VACCINES!  Maybe in a later date but for now – You Decide!


Interesting recent tidbit from the CDC: Incidents of the flu virus are significantly down this year to which they credit masks while disregarding their own policy of “everything is COVID-19”!



 Until we meet again “Faith over Fear”!



“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” (Psalm 23:4)





Monday, November 9, 2020



There is only one truth...

If everyone's beliefs were true,

there would be no truth!

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Politicizing God

 Making God Political:

What does the Republican Party endorse versus the Democratic Party? That's where we need to look. Which Party is closest to fulfilling God's Will? Which Party does ones "walk in faith" lead to?


Simply put, does God want us to kill his unborn children - those children have souls! Does God want us to legalize same sex marriage when He created marriage for a "one man and one woman"? Does God want us to redefine genders after He created only two genders - a man and a woman?


Do God’s laws change or are we voting for a Party that changes God's Laws?


Do we want to vote for a Party that has removed God from their Party platform; from their daily proceedings; from the pledge to the US flag; from schools and public places; invites satanic invocations at the beginning of public meetings; and the list goes on - or vote for a Party that fears God and prays to Him as a political Party?


Do we vote for the Party that keeps abortion clinics open during the pandemic as essential businesses while closing churches and assemblies of worship? Jesus said that we cannot serve two masters, that we are to be "in the world" but not "of the world", so we must choose between serving God or serving the world.


Your vote reflects your walk of faith! Which path are you going to take?

Monday, October 5, 2020

The Covid-19 God

The Covid-19 God


The following discussion could occur anyplace at any time where there is a congregation between masked and unmasked individuals.


(M=masked, U=unmasked)


M – Why aren’t you wearing a mask?

U – Why are you wearing a mask?

M – Because of the virus!

U – Are you referring to the Covid-19 virus?

M – Yes. I wear a mask to protect myself from the virus and I wonder why people like you don’t do the same.

U – So you fear the virus?

M – Yes!

U – Do you fear God?

M - What does that matter? Besides, I do not believe in God!

U – Are you an atheist?

M – Yes, I do not believe in God or anything like that.

U – What is it about this entity called God that you don’t believe in?

M – There is no proof that God exists; no one has ever seen God or had any kind of interaction with this entity called God.

U – That’s not what the Holy Bible says.

M – The Bible is a bunch of stories written by men to support a cause, full of errors and contradictions, with no scientific consensus.

U – Do you know that the Bible has never been proven to be wrong, no errors or contradictions?

M – So you say!

U – Over the past 2000 years scientists and archeologists have uncovered relics, cities & sites and documents that support what the Bible says. Nothing uncovered has proven otherwise.

M – All fabrication.

U – What about every thing around you, plants animals, air & water, people including you and the entire universe? Where did all of matter and living things come from?

M – Evolution, starting with the Big Bang theory.

U – You know you just blew apart your position with the word “theory”. Just like Einstein’s proclamation, it was just a theory, not factual, no scientific consensus, lots of unanswered questions.

M – Well, maybe it still has some gaps but many very prominent people state that is true so who am I to challenge their intelligence? Besides, there is nothing else to explain it all.

U – What about a Creator!

M – You mean God?

U – Yes, God. Everything in creation down to the smallest atom reeks of intelligent design, not accidental collision.

M – I still don’t believe in God and I won’t be convinced.

U – So again, why are you wearing a mask?

M – C’mon man – because of Covid-19.

U – Have you seen this virus; do you know what it looks like?

M – I saw pictures of the virus. Very mean looking.

U – Those are just artistic conceptions. Do you realize that no one has ever seen a virus?

M – Sure they have else how would they know what a virus looks like?

U – They don’t. Most other molecular particles can be seen under an electron microscope but never has a virus molecule been visually isolated or photographed including the named Covid-19 virus?

M – Just because it can’t be seen isn’t sufficient proof that the virus doesn’t exist else why are people getting sick, many dying, if there isn’t a virus?

U – OK, so you believe that there is a virus based upon what you’ve been told in the media although no one has ever visually identified a virus cell and that there is little to no factual evidence as to the nature of this virus just information based upon a bunch of stories written by very prominent people to support a cause that is full of errors and contradictions with no scientific consensus or absolute proof that a virus even exists. In other words, Covid-19 is a theory that you fully believe in and you fear it. Does that sum it all up as to why you are wearing a mask?

M – Yep and I do not need any other proof.

U – Fair enough. So again, why don’t you believe in God?







Tuesday, September 15, 2020

The End Has Begun


The End Has Begun


For nearly 2000 years, since Christ Jesus ascended into heaven, Christian followers have been in expectation of His Second Coming. The early church, led by the apostles of Jesus, awoke each day in anticipation of Jesus’ return and every evening they went to sleep waiting for the next day in preparation for His return. Unfortunately, over the past centuries, Christians have become relaxed and complacent with regards to End Times prophesies which concludes with the church reuniting with Jesus in eternity. Lives were not being led as if each day would be their last day. One day turned into the next with many generations passing with no definitive presentation or expectation of Biblical prophesy.


However, that all changed on May 14, 1948, when David Ben-Gurion, the head of the Jewish Agency, proclaimed the establishment of the State of Israel and U.S. President Harry S. Truman also recognized the new nation on the same day.


My interpretation of Biblical scripture translates May 14, 1948 as the first indisputable sign of “End Times” prophesy being fulfilled - Isaiah 66:7-8 “Before the birth pains even begin, Jerusalem gives birth to a son. Who has ever seen anything as strange as this? Who ever heard of such a thing? Has a nation ever been born in a single day? Has a country ever come forth in a mere moment? But by the time Jerusalem’s birth pains begin, her children will be born.”


Did you notice the claim that a nation will be born in a single day? May 14, 1948 was the single day when Isaiah 66:7-8 was fulfilled. One must remember that God gave that vision to Isaiah 740 years before the birth of Jesus. Did Isaiah realize what “… a nation born in a single day….” meant? Probably no, not any more than did this or previous generations understand until it happened. Even today, many Christians do not comprehend the magnitude of this one event has in fulfilling Biblical prophecy - all other End Times prophesy hinge upon this singular event.


Look at Jeremiah 16:14-15, “However, look, the days are coming” the Lord’s declaration “when it will no longer be said, ‘As the Lord lives who brought the Israelites from the land of Egypt,’ but rather, ‘As the Lord lives who brought the Israelites from the land of the north and from all the other lands where he had banished them. For I will return them to their land that I gave to their ancestors.”


Also Hosea 3:4-5, “For the Israelites must live many days without king or prince, without sacrifice or sacred pillar, and without ephod or household idols. Afterward, the people of Israel will return and seek the Lord their God and David their king. They will come with awe to the Lord and to his goodness in the last days.”


Since Rome destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem in A.D. 70, Jews have been displaced all over the world. Israel was no longer their land; they had no temple to perform sacrifices, no place to call home.


But as important as it was for Israel to be recognized as an independent nation, another prophesy had to be sequenced into the order of End Times events. You see, in 1948 the United Nations returned only a small portion of what historically had been Israel’s land; it did not include the city of Jerusalem nor the Sinai Peninsula, Golan Heights, Gaza Strip, or the West Bank. Without Jerusalem, the nation of Israel was still incomplete and the remaining End Time prophesies could not proceed.

But when Israel was attacked in 1967 by the enemies surrounding them, Israel overcame all military odds and at the end of the Six Day War, Israel reclaimed Jerusalem along with the other territories - and thus another prophesy among many fulfilled.


Zechariah 8:7-8 “This is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies says: You can be sure that I will rescue my people from the east and from the west. I will bring them home again to live safely in Jerusalem. They will be my people, and I will be faithful and just toward them as their God.”


Note: Remember that Israel has never occupied all of the land God promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. That, however, will soon come to pass following Jesus’ return.


So what remains to be fulfilled before the return of Christ Jesus? What about the Rapture? What about the signs regarding the seven year Tribulation period? What do I need to know? Most importantly…


What must I do before it’s too late?


(stay tuned)