February 25, 2010, marked the one-year anniversary of the passing of Catherine Ann (Pippig) Mills. Cathy succumbed to small-cell cancer and left behind her husband Michael of 40 years. It was Mike that, in my opinion, suffered the most not only during Cathy's struggles with the cancer but certainly also during this first year of her absence. For those of you not familiar with Cathy and Mike, I encourage you to visit at a website Mike created in rememberance of Cathy.
Just click on this hot link: http://cathy.mwmills.us/
There are many memories and stories begging to be told about Cathy & Mike, and I'm sure that in due time they will be uncovered and presented in as many formats and occasions. But for now, at this special moment, even years later, the story that still impresses me and continues to provide me with both comfort and confidence is about the strength of character and positive attitude that Cathy portrayed to the end of her time on this earth.
Imagine that you receive a phone call one day from a long-time friend that, due to life's circumstances, contact with over the decades was occasional at best. Especially now since Patty & I moved back to California, and after several frustrating attempts to locate Cathy & Mike, a phone call from Cathy. Wow, what a great surprise and how excited we were to hear from Cathy and Mike after all the time that had passed since we last spoke or visited with each other.
Of course after a short opening discourse the usual question is posed by me to Cathy "... and how have you been?"
A strong, straight, unquivering, unemotional response from Cathy was "I have terminal cancer."
Whoa! Did I hear that right? My mind was numbed and silence prevailed. What does one say to that? "Sorry to hear that" certainly wasn't appropriate nor any other response that I might have considered at that moment. Silence for sure but clarification and confirmation was certainly necessary so Cathy, again in a strong, straight, unquivering, unemotional manner, retold her life's story over the past few years fighting cancer.
Cathy & Mike called not only to let us know what was happening, but also to arrange for all of us to visit, perhaps for the last time with Cathy in the mix. Plans were made, they were coming to visit, time would be spent together as friends, and somehow the subject of Cathy's future would be discussed. That day came; we lunched and laughed; relived the past that we shared; spoke of our children and aging parents; and yes, Mike took us through a journey of medical miracles and mysteries and finally to the current situation where there were no recovery options left. Time was all that they had left.
Time! Precious time - a commodity that we all take for granted falsely assuming that there will always be more time to make up for lost or wasted time.
But time is what Cathy and Mike shared with Patty and I. Time that they could have spent otherwise but for a few precious hours the four of us shared time together - that is to say time that we "invested" together. For that expression of love, Patty & I will always cherish this memory.
Throughout these few hours together, Cathy remained the pillar of positive attitude. It is said that it's easier for the patient than it is for the onlookers, but I'm not sure if I would be able to pull that off as well as Cathy did. Finally the time came for Cathy & Mike to leave, but there was this one question that I had to ask Cathy that was burning inside me and my opportunity to ask that question was diminishing fast. You see, I could not let Cathy go without my knowing, and so, after a few lengthy and emotionally charged hugs and kisses; there standing by the car I finally asked her..."where do you find the strength that keeps you strong?"
Cathy's two word response was "My Faith".
That is what I longed to hear, to know that she knew that death was not final and that she, as with the rest of us belivers in Christ Jesus, have faith in the forgiveness of our sins and can anticipate an eternity with our Creator. With Christ, we all can approach our eventual end-times in a strong, straight, and unquivering manner with Cathy as one example for all of us to emulate.
So now, as I reflect upon all of the above and consider how life continues to present itself moment by moment, I smile with a reflective heart and thank God for Him bringing Cathy & Mike into my life, even if for moments at a time. But most of all, here today and going forward, I find myself stronger, straighter, and more unquivering in my faith - and I have Cathy to thank for showing me how it's done.