Note: "Women's Right to Health Care" is a pseudonym for taxpayer funded abortions.
Now, I'm not sure which constitution the Pro-Choicers' are referring to but I've read the U.S. Constitution many times and I did not see where any reference to taxpayer funding is mentioned on this matter. Of course I am not a constitutional scholar so perhaps I am missing something, somewhere, somehow! What's really at the motivation of this issue is a recent House of Representative proposal to stop taxpayer funding of abortion clinics thereby leaving clinics such as Planned Parenthood, Inc., to financially fend for themselves instead of profiting off of the public dole. Additionally, according to The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), a growing number of states are stopping Planned Parenthood from receiving hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer funds. So, the multi-billion dollar question is - does one's constitutional right to do something obligate the taxpayers to finance the exercise of that right? I say NOT!
Let's see how this might work given the liberal mindset. I have a constitutional right to "free speech" but should I expect the people of this great nation to pay for my higher-level education so I can learn to be more eloquent in my speech. Hey, my English are good! I also have a constitutional right to own and bear arms but I'm not sending the bill for my guns to Uncle Sam either. Maybe I'm missing out on something here. You get the point, I'm sure.
However let me make this perfectly clear (Obama's favorite phrase when he does not want clarity), regarding Pro-Choice, that is a woman's right to choose, I support that 100%. Yes, I am a Christian Conservative and I fully agree that a woman has a right to choose! BUT (you knew there had to be a disclaimer coming, right), BUT I firmly believe that a woman's right to choose ends at conception because then the choice on life (or not) must be transferred to the newly created life living in the womb.
Prior to conception I believe that a woman has the choice, or not, to engage in an activity that may result in a new life being created because, with the exception of rape, every woman has the ultimate control over her body. I believe then that a woman has the choice to use birth control, or not, knowing that such prevention methods are not a guarantee that conception will not occur. I also believe that only God has the right to decide whether or not the child will live through the pregnancy.
It's called individual responsibility. If I make a decision that leads to unwanted consequences then I should bear that responsibility and not expect my neighbors to assume that responsibility on my behalf. An analogy to this is if I choose to drive my car in a reckless manner that may lead to a moving violation, or worse, an accident, then who is at fault and who is financially responsible to amend that fault (rhetorical question)? Can I claim that my rights to drive my car are being violated because the government is not paying for the costs associated with my actions? Why should I be cited for choosing to drive recklessly? Should I sue the automobile manufacturer for not designing a safety mechanism that would have prevented me from speeding? Perhaps the DMV is at fault for issuing me a driver's license! Going to court and paying fines is just too inconvenient for me at this time. I'm just not ready for all of this responsibility. None of this is my fault - right?
Why would unwanted pregnancies be any different?
Again let me make this perfectly clear, it's called individual responsibility which is not a constitutional right but it is the right and responsibility to choose what is morally right.
"The eyes of the Lord watch over those who do right,
and his ears are open to their prayers. But the Lord turns his face against
those who do evil."
(1 Peter3:12)
(1 Peter3:12)