Christmas Greetings!
does not seem like three years have passed since our last “Christmas Greetings”
newsletter but here we are on the verge of the year 2018! The challenge now is
to recall some of the events that may interest you and considering that the
memory is the second thing to go as one ages this should prove to be fun! We
could review all the fun and activities we experience living here in The
Villages (TV) but someone near and dear does not want to hear about TV so I
will try to avoid that subject - yeah sure.
What has become a much anticipated event is the annual Tracey Family
reunion of which, thankfully, continued this year! Typically we opt for a
location different from the previous year yet near one of the family member’s
home so they can host the gathering, but it was held here again because of the
range of activities and attractions around the Orlando area and especially here
in The Villages (oops, I mentioned TV again)! Something to do for all the age
groups even if one wants to do nothing but enjoy time with the grandkids. Now
that our oldest grandchild is preparing to enter the college world in 2018,
future family reunions may pose a greater challenge to amass the troops at the
same time in the same place for the same reason!

Another annual event that Patty & I look forward to is the Military Ball hosted by the Retired Military Family Group. It’s a great evening of pomp and circumstance, with food, fun and dancing, shared by those that served our country in any of the U.S. military branches. There was no one kneeling in protest at this grand patriotic gathering. Although not required, it’s great to don the uniform again, especially without alterations to make it fit (ha)!
is where our church is and for us we found our place at Calvary
Chapel Villages (CCV). This past year CCV separated itself from Calvary Chapel
Ft. Lauderdale and became a planted church, totally dependent upon God’s grace
for its existence and purpose. Patty and I both answered callings to
serve with
Patty singing in the choir and greeting attendees while I am enjoying my role
as a Deacon. 2017 found us in a new facility with ample room for fellowship,
ministries, and of course the popular “breaking of bread” pot luck dinners.
Although today our facility is outside The Villages (oops again) property line,
soon enough there will be a multimodal bridge built adjacent to us which will
allow Villagers to drive golf carts here to church! How cool is that?
yeah, then there was Hurricane Irma which, for us, was more worry than wind,
thank God!
forward to 2018, our desire is to continue traveling to visit family and
friends which includes a trip(s) to CT to visit with MomT as she approaches her
95th year. Of course staying healthy and fit is our new lifestyle
because the alternative is not conducive to our plans. Our humble abode is always
open to visitors so if you find yourself near The Villages (last time I will
mention TV), be sure to stop in and visit for awhile.
closing we wish you a
and a happy, healthy 2018!