Monday, July 19, 2010

Retro Rants

Bobby Dylan standing in a remote corner with his askew hair aflame but shadowed by a brighter flame that warms;

The South says nothing yet speaks loudly rising only to let the smoke pass under;

Four feet of fur with eyes aglow see black and white brings in the breeze while walking through the grass;

Why did she move, it was a wasted movement;

Time is nothing, it's always after five;

Two people or three; one fooled the other that made four;

A multicolored fish lives off a string hung there by the head while a dozen eyes of the mind see nothing but look everywhere;

Out in space lies a coffee cup with saucer and spoon; out of place but better off than before even with the force trying to bring it down to reality;

Men have tried, so has Red; Red has crashed, men are high;

Groove on the sounds that escape from the disk and fill your lungs with the cloud of love.

Two hours and “WOW”, where will I be in four?
We are here yet you are not and I am gone!
The ocean roars across the Sahara like the notes that vibrate with one thought in mind – to turn you on while turning you off.
I hear you but I am not listening.
Open your eyes and you will see a lot, yet close your eyes while it’s hot and you’ll see more which you thought not was there before.


Friday, July 2, 2010


Have you ever noticed how some seem to think that they were created by God to be one of the Chosen Few?  You know who I am talking about!  I'm sure that you had the honor to be in their presence.  They are the ones that when they enter a room they expect to be noticed, given individual attention, pampered, and permitted to disrupt whatever was in progress and perch themselves wherever they want even if it means forcing others to move to another spot.  Their personalities run the entire gamut of emotions and attitudes and regardless of their current disposition others are expected to accommodate their desires while excusing them for their actions without question.  They are the gods that walk amongst us!  These special ones demand to be loved and adored at request and if ignored you should expect to be physically encountered or at least stared-down until acquiesced or until they decide to move onto other conquests. 

There are, however, some redeeming values to these anointed ones.  If you have adopted the Christian model to live your life, that is, if you try to serve others, to love others as you love yourself, to accept without prejudice, to feed the hungry and shelter the needy - if you live by these attributes then these privileged ones will be quick to take advantage of your graces, without any guilt or moral recourse, to give you a sense of worth!

Therefore, taking into consideration of all disclosed above, if one can be reincarnated after death then I truly wish to come back as one of these Chosen Few so I can enjoy the same immense privileges my wife bestows upon her cat!  Imagine, nine lives worth of unabashed preferential treatment - WOW!  I mean...MEEEEEOOOOOW!
