Saturday, October 23, 2010


Two of the most favorite women in my life have recently expressed concern over my ability to recall past events or to properly interpret current ones.  Specifically, they think that I may be "losing it", mentally speaking that is.  Maybe I should reconsider who my favorite people are - (ha)!

 Both incidents in question can be easily explained by me for clarification but it quickly becomes a situation whereby the further I try to defend myself more credence is added to the initial accusations.  At this point, silence is golden!  However, my pride and ego tell me that I should protect my mental manhood for fear that my silence may be perceived as a guilty plea if left uncontested.  A dilemma for sure.  However, further thought exposes some very positive possibilities for me if I were to simply acquiesce and concede that I am suspect to touches of senility, backsliding, decrepitude, degeneracy, falling off, feeblement, mental lapse, skidding, waning, weakening or whatever term satisfies the situation.  This can be a lot of fun after all and may even save me from individuals that want to control some of my life. 

Follow me on this if you can!  Let's say my #1 favorite person makes plans for me that conflicts with my immediate priorities, like watching the pool water turn green; or if favorite person #2 asks me for some of my time that seriously imposes upon my meditation hour, aka, napping.  Well, now I have a perfect alibi for accomplishing neither request - I FORGOT!  Just think, I can now offer my newly acquired shortcoming to virtually get out of doing anything that I do not want to do and at the same time receive compassionate sympathy for my misgivings!  Wow, what a scam!  Why, I can't think of all the things that I can forget to remember - the list is eternal in its possibilities.  Forgetting can be a beautiful thing!  But, you may ask, what about doing those things that I want to do?  If I conveniently cannot remember those things that I do not want to do, how can I justify remembering to do those things that I want to do.  Have I not then doomed myself from doing what I want to do if I say that I did not remember for the others?  Oh, contraire mon frere!  Here is the beauty of my plan - I simply forgot to forget, hence, I remembered!  A perfect defense for any situation; it simply does not get any better than this! 

Now, going forward, my life will be a sequence of selected seductions scheduled to satisfy only my selfish salacious solicitudes, all thanks to the two most favorite women in my life.  Of course, my one challenge now is that I must not forget to remember that I forgot else remember unless I want to forget that I forgot. 

Got it?