Tuesday, February 1, 2011

GPS versus GOD

Do you trust your GPS (Global Positioning System) more than you trust GOD (GOD)?  Perhaps if we compare the virtues of the two entities together we may be able to determine where your real faith lies.  Of course, to make this analysis truly objective and fair, we must overlook for the time being that although man (homo sapiens) created the GPS it was GOD who created man.  So, for this exercise we'll begin with the premise that both GPS and GOD are co-equals.

For starters, both GPS and GOD reside in the heavens.  We look up skyward with our questions and the responses stream downward to us.

Both GPS and GOD provide us with directions: GPS can direct us from point A to point B based upon where we are now to where we want to go whereas GOD directs us from where we are now to where He wants us to go.

GPS's coverage is Global; GOD's coverage is Universal and then some.

GPS tells us which direction to travel, which way and when to turn, how far we have to go, and when we arrive at our destination.  GOD gives us "free will" to travel as we elect.

If we deviate from its prescribed path, GPS will "recalculate", correct our wrong turns, and head us back in the intended direction.  GOD forgives our transgressions.

GPS can only respond to what we tell it to do, whether our requests are right or wrong, whereas GOD responds to what is in our hearts.

GPS has to be updated frequently; is subject to blackouts due to various circumstances; must be recharged to maintain operational power; is subject to breakage; comes with a limited warranty and is eventually replaced with newer technologically advanced models.

GOD is All-Knowing, All-Powerful and All-Present.  GOD is the Alpha and the Omega - no upgrades required.

In summary: If you are lost on the road by all means trust your GPS.  But, if you are lost on the road to Salvation there is only one source to trust and it is not found in technology.  AMEN to that!!
