Monday, March 9, 2015

The Mission Field

Calvary Chapel Villages Missionaries

Mission:  Calvary Chapel Villages is the “mission church” of Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale, and we, the members of Calvary Chapel Villages, are its missionaries. Hence, we are missionaries on a mission for Christ’s Church. We were planted here by God to disciple primarily to a senior community and secondarily to a younger population.

Mission Field:  We are uniquely situated to present / introduce the Gospel of Christ Jesus to a population that is chronologically closer to the end of their lives than found in an atypical population.  As ordinary missionaries, we are here to present Jesus’ promise of salvation to this segment of the population, and because of their age or health, it also may be the last opportunity these souls have to accept Jesus as their Savior.

In essence, we are disciples in a foreign land that is also our own hometown, our city, our neighborhood.  In His perfect planning, God brought us as missionaries here at this juncture of our lives to administer His Will - not to a desolate village in Africa, or to a poverty-stricken shanty town in South America, or even to a remote island in the Pacific Rim, commonplace destinations for Christian missionaries.  Instead, God knows that the natives here in Central Florida need to know His Son as well, and we have been called to do His Will.  

Therefore, our mission field is called “The Villages” and its surrounding communities, and our mission, as commanded by Christ Jesus, is to …


“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”.  (Matt 28:19, NKJV)