Thursday, December 22, 2011

The December 25th Federal Holiday

Following the annual Thanksgiving holiday, nothing is more certain than the annual atheistic verbal onslaught along with the filing of lawsuits ritual against Christmas Nativity scenes and against the seasonal greetings of "Merry Christmas".  These people have replaced "freedom of religion" with "freedom from religion" and they misguidedly refer to the Separation Clause as authority for their cause.  Obviously Christmas is only one of many Christian symbols and traditions the atheists aim to have permanently removed from the American vernacular and landscape, but Christmas certainly is the most visible and highly contested target on their agenda.  In defense of this war on Christ, we Christians jump through hoops and spew the usual gamut of expected responses in an attempt to minimize losses and hold onto whatever vestiges of sacred grounds we perceive are left to protect.

Central to the atheists' argument is their assertion that Christmas is a Christian expression of faith, therefore they deduct that the observance or celebration of Christmas by governmental entities is in direct violation of the US Constitution's "Separation of Church and State" clause (oh yeah, it's not in the US Constitution but let's not confuse the facts with the issues).  Anything that is related to or implicates God is on their anti-religion hit list which is quite ironic because... 

God is not a religion; God is a reality!

What is as interesting to me is that I have not heard (but it may be out there in cyber-space) the counter-proposition that Christmas is not a Christian holiday!  Yes, no typo here - Christmas is not a Christian holiday - or perhaps maybe it should not be considered as a holiday just for Christians. 
OK, you ask, if Christmas is not a Christian holiday then what are the alternatives?

Perhaps the answer to that question lies within the Bible.  Let's consider the following circumstances!

"Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel" (which means, God with us). (Matthew 1:23)

Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 1:18)

The birth of Jesus marks the first Christmas, and God's "gift" to Humanity, His One Begotten Son, was the first ever Christmas present.  Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born to Joseph & Mary - both of which were Jewish descendants with a lineage tracing back back to Abraham.  Now, if we just stop here this would then make Christmas a Jewish celebration and not a Christian religious observance.

Next, remember that the first usage of the term "Christian" came after Jesus' death, burial, resurrection and ascension into Heaven.  The first followers of Christ were initially referenced under the name "The Way" and were often referred to as "Christians".  Again, if we just stop here then this would still make Christmas a Jewish celebration and not a Christian religious observance.

However, even though Jesus was born a Jew, He was born a Saviour to all of mankind to deliver us to God's salvation.  God's second gift to world was subtly presented to us through Jesus' life as He demonstrated how to live a life in complete response to God's Will.  Thirty-three years after Jesus' birth, God's next gift to mankind was when He, who was without sin became sin, died on the cross on behalf of all of mankind.  This gift from God we did not ask for and one we certainly do not deserve but...

He is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins. (Eph 1:7)

It's very important to note that Jesus did not die just for the Jews, that He also died for the Gentiles.  In today's world, Gentiles would translate to include Christians, Muslims, atheists, Buddhists, Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, etcetera, and you get the point.

Easter Sunday marks God's next gift to mankind when Jesus rose from the dead three days after His Crucifixion. The Risen Christ was witnessed and His appearance was recorded by many as proof...

After his suffering, he showed himself to these men and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God. (Acts 1:3)

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.... (1 Peter 1:3)

The culmination of all of these gifts from God can be wrapped up (yes, that's a pun) with God's promise of salvation to all those who believe...

For God so loved the world, that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.(John 3:16-17)

Once again it's very important to note that God did not promise salvation only for the Jews - but for THE WORLD!  

And the angel said to them, "Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.  For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.(Luke 2:10-11)

It's important to remember this because God's promise of salvation to the World is precisely what Christmas is all about, therefore...

Christmas is a holiday celebration for the entire World...  

Not just for Christians!

Jesus is God's Christmas gift to all that keeps on giving!

Merry Christmas to Everyone!


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Turn Signals

Yes, turn signals, precisely those devices installed in automobiles with the specific purpose to be utilized by drivers to inform other drivers of your intention to change lanes or direction.  However, based upon my personal observation accumulated after decades of driving along the highways and byways, I've noticed that for some reason a high number of drivers opt not to use their turn signals.  Perhaps they do not know what that appendage protruding from the left side on the steering wheel column is there for, or maybe there is a deeper interpretation yet to be revealed.  Of course, you, my friendly reader, always signal your intention to turn, but it's the other readers that I'm not too sure about!

(Have you also questioned whether or not those new expensive luxury cars come equipped with turn signals?)

You see, signalling your intention to turn is not only a matter of obeying the law, it's also a matter of vehicle safety and common courtesy to the other drivers.  For example, California State Vehicle \ Code states that for safe driving practices ...

Always signal to other drivers, motorcyclists, bicyclists, and pedestrians when you plan to turn left, right, slow down, or stop. Signals may be given by hand-and-arm positions or by using the vehicle’s signal lights. If bright sunlight makes the signal lights hard to see, also use hand-and-arm signals.

Always signal—this lets other drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians know your plans.

  • When making a left or right turn, during the last 100 feet before reaching the turning point. Caution!—Even though you signal, do not automatically assume that the space you want to occupy is clear.
  • Before every lane change check your mirrors, look over your shoulder, and check your blind spot before changing lanes.
  • At least five seconds before you change lanes on a freeway.
  • Before pulling next to the curb or away from the curb.
  • When you change directions.
  • Even when you do not see other vehicles. A vehicle you do not see may suddenly appear and hit you.
If you plan to turn beyond an intersection, start signaling when you are in the intersection. If you signal too early, the other driver may think you plan to turn into the intersection and he or she may pull out in front of you.  Remember to cancel your signal after turning. 

Be honest now, does the above describe what you typically observe during your daily commutes? 

I thought not!

(Other drivers can be very rude!  All I am trying to do is to drink my Starbuck's latte, eat a bagel, fix my hair, text my buddies, light a smoke, pluck my eyebrows, read the newspaper, shave my beard, surf on my blackberry, put on lipstick, pick my nose, put in my contacts, talk on my iPhone, or tie a Windsor knot..., and all they want to do is honk their horn at me!)

Visualize yourself stopped at a busy intersection waiting (patiently, of course) for the cross-traffic to pass so you can turn left and continue on your travels.  Suddenly Lady Luck appears to smile on you because there is shaping up an opportunity for you to make your move as soon as the vehicle coming from your left side passes by - just a moment more and you're ready to go - waiting for that one second chance to move out - but hey, what's happening?  That "one car" that is critical to your freedom appears to be slowing down, practically stopping right before you, and now it's turning right instead of driving by you!  %#@*!  Now you've lost that one-chance-in-a-million to get across the traffic - IF ONLY that driver signalled his intention to turn you could have been outta here!  Now you are stuck again and the traffic situation definitely is not improving nor is your attitude.  The birthing of road rage in real time!

(Have you noticed how often you are the first vehicle at a red light?  What are the odds?)

So what is my beef?  You see, even though state laws mandate turn signals be used for safety reasons, the issue to me is not whether one observes the laws but rather what is the attitude behind that decision.  You see, complimentary to vehicle safety are matters of courtesy, respect and consideration for the other drivers that are sharing the universe with you.  It's been said that a vehicle is just an extension of the personality behind the wheel and not much more can be truer than that observation. 
(Have you also noticed that drivers of large SUV's are the most inconsiderate of all drivers?  Of course not you in your SUV but certainly those others!  Well, that is another story for another time.)

So if a vehicle is an extension of a driver's personality, what does that say about drivers that exhibit road rage, excessive speeding, tail-gating, weaving in & out of traffic, running stop signs, failing to yield, or not using turn signals?  On a single instance, no big deal, but on a continuing basis any casual observer may deduct that these driving habits reflect a person that is self-centered, inconsiderate, and oblivious to others safety and well-being.  Does this describe you - of course not.

(Did you ever notice how many of the vehicles driven by the above personalities have a fish logo attached on the rear of their car?)

Now, you and I observe a strict adherence to the rules of the road, at least most of the time, which is why we enjoy clean driving records and low auto-insurance rates.  But what about our strict adherence to God’s Rules as we travel down the road of life?  How do we react when we hit bumps in the road or when we are forced to detour off of our path to success?  When we come to that proverbial cross road, do we follow the crowd or do we follow our conscious?  Are we the same person behind the wheel during a major traffic jam as we are when sitting in a church pew?  Are we speeding through life so fast that we fail to slow down to give a lift to those in need?  Do we consider others on the road as children of God or as obstacles to be maneuvered out of our way?  Do we realize what signals we send to those casual observers when we exit the road in an attempt to short-cut the journey that Jesus left for us to follow? 

(Do you know any current day Jeckle & Hydes - you know, the ones whose personality totally changes when they get behind the wheel of a car - what's that all about?)

Jesus commands us to love others as He has loved us (John 15:12).  I'm sure that message includes our actions behind the wheel of a car so let's share His love by sharing the road.  That slow car in front of you may be sent there by God to protect you from an accident or perhaps a speeding ticket.  And those red traffic lights that seem to know when you are coming to an intersection, well they provide us a great opportunity to pause and give thanks to God for His grace and mercy.  Let our journey be about others as much as it is about ourselves.  And pray for those that define road rage for their lives may need to find the peace that comes from knowing Jesus. 

(Do you agree that there ought to be a law forbidding seniors that have all day to get nowhere from driving during rush hours!)

Finally, pray for me because at times I too have my weak moments - just like you!


Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Wolff–Parkinson–White syndrome (WPW) is a heart disorder in which the heart ventricles contract prematurely due to an abnormal electrical communication from the atria to the ventricles.  In simpler terms, WPW syndrome is the presence of an extra, abnormal electrical pathway in the heart that leads to periods of a very fast heartbeat, also called tachycardia.  According to the Mayo Clinic's website, this extra electrical pathway of WPW syndrome is present at birth and individuals of all ages, including infants, can experience the symptoms related to this malady.

In most cases, the recurring episodes of fast heartbeats aren't life-threatening, but eventually serious heart problems can occur if left untreated. A surgical procedure for Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome can permanently correct the heart rhythm problems through a catheter-based operation, known as ablation.  Typically the ablation procedure is performed on an in-patient basis with only an over-night observation recovery period afterwards.  Successful post recoveries impose no permanent restrictions to the patient.

OK, so you may be wondering why the sudden interest on Wolff–Parkinson–White syndrome?  Certainly medicine and medical procedures are not my forte and normally do not garner my sustained attention but in this particular instance there is both a personal and immediate interest on my part.

Joshua, my six-year old grandson, was diagnosed with WPW shortly after his birth.  Over the years Joshua experienced several episodes with tachycardia which included numerous trips to the ER.  Joshua became so accustomed to these "attacks" that he was able to recognize the onset of the symptoms in time to tell his parents before the situation worsened.  Surgery was always an option but the decision was always to hold-off surgery until Joshua grew older. 

Recently Joshua suffered through another episode, resulting in another trip to the ER.  Both the doctors and Joshua's parents agreed that the time was now for Joshua to be scheduled for the ablation.  Now is Friday, October 21, at 9:00 AM.

As Grandparents, my wife and I want to be there with Joshua to provide that reassurance that only a Grandparent can give.  Of course, we also want to be there for our daughter and Son-in-Law and to lend what ever emotional or physical support we can give.  You see, my wife and I know all too well what they are experiencing with their doubts, questions, and concerns for Joshua health and well being.  For us, it was thirty-one years ago when we were thrust into the same situation.  Our youngest son, then only two and a half years of age, underwent open-heart surgery to repair a Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD), that being a "hole" in the wall between the two lower chambers of the heart - the ventricles, also compounded by arterial blockage.

Yes, the risks associated with open-heart surgery on a two-year old are in a different league than that associated with an ablation procedure on a six-year old.  No comparison for sure, but the level of risk is not the primary concern when parents have to hand over their baby, albeit two or seven years of age, to someone one else whom then is totally responsible for the life of that child.  The feeling, as a parent, of being totally useless and also totally dependent upon another for the life of your child is a feeling that no parent should ever have to experience.  That is why, as parents and as Grandparents, we too share that experience once again of feeling useless yet dependent upon someone else for the welfare of Joshua.

However, although we cannot be there in person, we do find strength and comfort in knowing that there will be someone there to be with Joshua and with his parents during their time of need; Someone that has promised that He will never leave us nor forsake us, for the LORD is my strength and my shield (Psalm 28:7).  My heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song (Psalm 28:7).

I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust."
(Psalm 91:2)

(PS x 2) (Post Surgery Post Script): 

Joshua's ablation surgery could not have gone better.  The surgeon found the suspect abnormal electrical pathway and cauterized it immediately.  Several tests were conducted afterwards in an attempt to stimulate the heart into another tachycardia condition but all attempts failed, which is good.  This was one of those times where failing is succeeding!  Joshua spent the night under observation and was released the next day with one precaution - avoid excessive physical activities to assure that the stitches heal!  Good luck with telling a six-year old to cool his jets for any length of time but especially after more being cooped-up in a hospital for more than a day.

So where do we all go from here?  Well, before we go forward we must look back and recognize in thanksgiving all the family members, friends, church members, and even those total strangers that offered their prayers, supplications and good wishes in support of Joshua's welfare.  Special blessings to Pastor Jim Callaway for his personal attention to the spiritual and emotional needs of Joshua's parents during their time of need and concern and for demonstrating once again what Christ's "Church" is all about. 

But of course, our celebration and thanksgiving for Joshua's recovery would be empty and hollow without looking upward to give praise and glory to God for His love and grace. For as many that helped Joshua and his family through their prayers, then many more will give thanks on our behalf for His gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many. (2 Cor 1:11)  Trust in God and..."my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus." (Phl 4:19) 

Amen to that!


Friday, October 7, 2011

God's Creation

Jemma Grace Tracey

Presented to this World on 10/05/2011

Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Great Escape

Whenever someone mentions the country of France, my thoughts immediately jump to the two times I traveled there a few years ago.  Paris, the City of Lights, was certainly the highlight of both trips with such amazing sights and attractions as the Eiffel Tower, The Louvre, Notre Dame Cathedral, and the Arc de Triomphe, along with strolls along the River Seine, just to name a few.  Of course the French food and their traditional five-course dinners along with sampling some of the world's greatest wines were all parts of these treasured experiences.  Personally, I believe that one cannot avoid developing a taste for both the Bordeaux and the Beaujolais wines, both of which I still prefer to this day. 

Then there was the road trip to the rugged coastline on Northern France to the town of Etretat, best known for its awe inspiring cliffs, including its three natural arches.  And, like many coastal towns along the Northern Coast, Etretat still holds onto many WWII military remnants & memories. 

There are so many more hidden charms about France that go unnoticed, and therefore, remain unappreciated by tourists if their travel agendas only include the well publicized "tourist-traps".  Fortunately for me my travel companions were the adventurous type so we sought out less known sites such as the Chateau de Chantilly, former residence to the princes of Conde (cousins of the French kings).  The Chateau de Chantilly is now home to the Musee (Museum) Conde which claims the finest collections of paintings in France, second only to the Louvre.

Many others believe as I that France is a beautiful country replete with history, charm and mystique all it's own and well worth any one's time and effort to visit.  I would enjoy spending more of our time together here sharing with you other details and photographs of my adventures in France, but right now you are probably wondering what it was that recently triggered my memories of France and thus provided the motivation for this posting.  Well, I'm glad that you asked!

For a select group of people, what I recently discovered is old news, but for me and perhaps for you, this is new news.  You see, there is small town in Southern France, named Bugarach, population 200, that had previously captured the attention of UFO and alien encounter enthusiasts and now has now garnered the attention of end-of-the-world survivalists.  Prior to this, Bugarach was noted for an unusual rocky outcrop, locally known as the "upside-down mountain" and for a measurable deviation in the Earth's gravitational magnetic field.  Because of these nuances, a strange sect of believers is convinced that aliens live inside the mountain and it's their UFO crafts that are generating the Earth's magnetic field to deviate. 

Now we find ourselves in the year 2011, following Harold Camping's recent (failed) prediction of the Church's Rapture, coupled with the fears that the end of the Mayan calendar on December 21, 2012, foretells the end of the world, interest in the small city of Bugarach has been resurrected again as the only place on Earth where one can escape Armageddon.   

For your edification, below is a link to an article published by the Christian Post that should help you explore this story in greater detail.  Please take a moment to read the article, and as I have offered in previous posts, I will patiently wait right here until you return!

Obviously you can perform Internet searches on "Bugarach" for more in depth articles, photos, and videos to really quench your curiosity.  However, my interest here, and the impetus for this writing, is not specifically to focus on doomsday theories nor on the end of the world predictions, but rather to address what I consider an interesting paradox, that is, an apparent collapse of logic and reasoning shared by two completely diverse groups of thought and conviction.

In the first group, we have those that believe in man-made hysteria such as UFO's, Extraterrestrial life, evolution, man-made global warming, and world-ending predictions (i.e., Mayan calendar), to name a few. This group does not believe in God, nor any references from the Holy Bible, even though nothing above that they believe in has been substantiated scientifically, historically, or otherwise.  Nonetheless, regardless of fact or fiction, they firmly believe in the inherent supremacy and intellect of man.  

The second group, represented by the Harold Camping followers, are the total opposites from the first.  This group professes belief in God, in creation through intelligent design, and in the absolute truth of God's Word.  They are encouraged by knowing that the Holy Bible, although under continual scrutiny and challenge, has never been proven to be in error, historically, scientifically, or otherwise.  They give God credit for everything in the universe, past, present, and future.      

Now, one would never expect to find members of these groups in the same room at the same time, nor sharing the same philosophical mindset, and yet they share one common frailty - both groups placed their faith in the wrong place, that is, both trusted in man's word and not in God's Word! 

It's still both tragic yet somewhat comical to know that some people believe they can avoid end-of-the-world tribulations by escaping to places such as Bugarach, France.  Although I commend their choice of destinations, their great escapes will be short lived because when God's plan prevails and this world ceases to exist, there will be no place to hide or to run, that is except to Christ Jesus.  This world, as we know it, will go away as we learn in Revelation 21:

"Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more.  And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.  And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God. " 

Correct me if I am wrong, but no where did I see where Bugarach, France, gets a pass here.  So, if you are still planning on escaping to Bugarach, or if you know of anyone contemplating that trip, I personally guarantee that you will eventually experience a conversion of the mind, body and spirit.  Trust me when I tell you that you too will develop an eternal taste for both the Bordeaux and the Beaujolais wines!  


Sunday, May 29, 2011

Cult Mentality

Much attention has been generated around the world recently regarding Harold Camping's (Family Radio International) dire prediction that the rapture of Christians was to occur on May 21, 2011, thus leading to the end of the world six months later.  Of course, here we are looking back after Harold Camping's second prophesy failed to come true (in 1994 he predicted his first doomsday scenario).  In retrospect I guess we can now label Mr. Camping as a "false prophet" considering he is "O" for two!  Even though scripture clearly states that only God knows when the world, as we know it, will end (Matt 24:36), Harold Camping appeared convinced that he "broke the code" and it was just due to some minor miscalculations that his prophesy missed its mark.  Obviously, he was not being lead by the Holy Spirit else we would "all" now be in Heaven giving praise and glory to God our Father. You see, anyone can read what the Holy Bible says, but only the Holy Spirit can reveal to us what it means.  Needless to say, Harold Camping's interpretation of Holy Scripture was not led by the Holy Spirit.

However, some good may have resulted during the days leading up to May 21, 2011.  Both Christian and conventional secular media outlets of every technology type began discussing end-time theories, referencing the Holy Bible and openly debating Christian doctrine.  Some news commentators even dared orating God's name and - yes - the name of Jesus Christ too.  That alone is a miracle unto itself.  At work places, in malls and in other public places, God's Word was being bantered about, although mostly butchered and battered, but none the less, the world was paying attention to God for a brief moment.  Just imagine how many people who never gave God a second thought were now wondering if this end time prophesy "could be real"!  Hopefully Harold's prophesy, albeit unfulfilled, led many to seek Christ for the first time although I feel the verdict is still undecided if this event gave a boost or booted the lay perspective towards Christianity.

It's understandable, at least to me, how individuals can become obsessed with a theory, a philosophy, a belief, or a passion that blindly leads them down a path that conflicts with truths, realities, and known conventional wisdom.  Just focusing on Christianity alone, history is replete with movers and movements that defied rational thought yet marched headstrong along convinced within themselves that they were right and the "world" was wrong.  Some for the betterment of mankind while others not so beneficial.  For example, the Great Reformation, also known as the Protestant Reformation, was the European Christian reform movement led by Martin Luther, John Calvin, and other early Protestants, whom protested against the doctrines, rituals and ecclesiastical structure of the dominant Catholic Church, which led over time to the creation of the current day Protestant churches.  Many Christians today believe that the Reformation was worthy and righteous even though it appeared, at that time, to conflict with the present day religious tenets.  Worthy and righteous, that is, unless of course one was aligned with the Catholic Church. 

My focus here is not to discuss major theological movements hence I should start with a man named Jesus or perhaps even further back in history to Abraham with whom God established His Covenant and bloodline leading to man's redemption through the blood of the Son of God.  Rather, I'm curious about individual mindsets that proclaim to know God's truth, and who certainly have the truth of God's Word available to them via the Holy Bible, yet still manage to convince themselves to follow man's words instead of God's Word.  This phenomena I label "Cult Mentality" and the followers of  Harold Camping and his May 21, 2011 prophesy are the most current expose of this cult mentality.  However, we do not have to go back too far in American history to find other examples of famous cult mentalities - do you remember David Koresh and the Branch Davidians, Jim Jones and the People's Temple, or Marshall Applewhite and Heaven's Gate?  Now,  Harold Camping's movement was tame compared to the consequences met by the followers of the above movements, but none the less, each shared the common denominator that every cult member made a decision to follow man's words instead of God's Word. 

Perhaps here we should define the word "cult" as presented within, and to preserve space and typing tedium, I've selected a web site that, to me, sufficiently defines "cult" for our purposes.  I'll give you all the time you need to jump there, to peruse, and to return....

For clarification,  I am not broad-brushing Harold Camping's movement as a cult, far from it, nor is my purpose to debate the definition of a cult but perhaps rather to lightly examine / discuss how this cult mentality can dominate rational biblical thought and carry it to an extreme, or just to very subtle deviations from God's Word.

Whereas wise parents, teachers, and other counselors usually encourage young adults to challenge the status quo, to develop individual mindsets, to objectively compare other teachings, and to build independent thought upon an open exposure to all fields of learning, cult organizations tend to restrict, discourage, and prohibit its members from material not published or controlled by them.  Infiltrating and conquering cult mentality is certainly easier said than done.  To me, followers of the Mormon Church or Jehovah Witnesses are classic examples of cult mentalities that are extremely difficult to witness or evangelize to.  For this reason it's obvious why their church elders require them to travel in pairs when they come "knocking at your door".     

But when it comes to cult mentalities, we Christians are not fully insulated from the temptation of following man's words instead of God's Word.  To illustrate: If every Christian followed and obeyed God's Word, there would be but one body of believers following Christ instead of the hundreds of different denominations that exist today.  Organized religion has disorganized the Christian community and it's simply (actually quite complicated) because many Christians are also following man's words instead of God's Word.  Examples of a church's departure from God's Word is not always extreme as represented by the Mormon Church or by the Jehovah Witnesses, nor is always as subtle as Harold Camping's prophesies, but none the less, cult mentalities prevail throughout Christendom.

The subject is salvation:

We believe that we are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus." (Acts 15:11)

...that even though we were dead because of our sins, He gave us life when He raised Christ from the dead. (It is only by God's grace that you have been saved!) (NLT Eph 2:5);

God saved you by His grace when you believed. And you can't take credit for this; it is a gift from God. (NLT Eph 2:8).

There is no better illustration of God's love for us than believing that it is only through His Grace that we saved from from the penalty of sin and and that we are all promised eternal life through the death, burial and resurrection of His Son, Christ Jesus. It is through Faith in Christ Jesus that we are set free and not through any of our works or deeds of our own. That calls for an AMEN!

And yet, just look how many denominational, and some non-denominational churches, feel the need to add man into the equation of God's salvation.  Basically, for every different named denominational church, there is proposed something else that man must do (works) before one is even a candidate for salvation!  It's as if "we" feel a need to participate, to earn salvation, else we are surely lost for eternity.  It is precisely here where "cult mentality" permeates into the tenets of organized christian religion, where we follow mans words instead of God's Word!  Let's look at how this works:

While Christians avow that through faith in Jesus' death, burial and resurrection we are promised our own eternal resurrection - and there should be a period (.) here - many denominations add at least one other criteria to God's Word, such as:

Baptism by water;
Asking for forgiveness of sins;
Speaking in tongues;
Attending church on on a certain day of the week;
Church attendance;
Receiving Sacraments;
Membership in the "true" church;
Living a holy life;
Absolution of sins before (or after) death.

There are other criteria imposed, I'm sure, but you get the idea.  Maybe it's "human nature" that we feel the need to be in control to some level, or maybe it's the cult mentality wherein "we" don't even question church leaders as to why their tenets do not fully align with God's Word.  More important, why do followers continue to follow man's words over God's Word?  Satan certainly is playing a role here too!

So, before we Christians criticize or condemn Harold Camping or his devoted followers, perhaps some deep spiritual reflection is called for on our part; to pray that the Holy Spirit intervenes into our hearts to guide us through His discernment and perspective on where we are in relationship to God.  Remember God loves us all and that... God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16).

However, if you still believe that you must do something, somehow, in some manner, perhaps through works, to receive salvation other than through God's Grace, then you should think twice the next time you are offered a drink of Kool-Aid.


Tuesday, May 24, 2011


The word interesting is an interesting word, especially when you analyze it for when it is used, and why.  Common definitions of the word (interesting) reveal...
  1. arousing curiosity or attention: arousing curiosity, attracting or holding attention, or provoking thought;
  2. not boring: enjoyable because of being varied, challenging, stimulating, or exciting.
...and when used as indicated above, the word interesting is adaptable and appropriate in context.  For example, intellectual justifications expressed to support one political candidate over other candidates could be described as interesting when compared to my rationale to promote a different candidate. (Emphasis  on "intellectual").  

However, the more "interesting" applications of this particular word are when we use the word to either mask our true opinion, so as not to offend, or to hide behind it, when not having an opinion at all.  Consider ones individual interpretation of "The Arts" as probably one of the more prevalent scenarios of when "interesting" does not really mean "interesting". 

Let's say, for example, when I find myself at an art gallery and I am exposed to various displays of, hmmm, Modern Abstract Art paintings.  You know the kind of indescribable objects and displays one encounters at a modern art show.  Let's be honest, do you actually understand or appreciate all that is presented before you as abstract art?  No offense to artist Mark Lawrence for my lack of culture or "proper breeding" but the only word in my vocabulary that would be an appropriate response to the solicitation "what do you think" on that which is before me would be "interesting" - as I spontaneously nod my head up and down as if in some really deep interpretive thought.  

Come on, admit it, you've been there and done that - right? 

Some poetry produce the same impact to my inner consciousness as involuntarily expressed by the external blank reaction on my face. 

To the New World

What eats through fibers, salt
And sting, our hands defeat.
We make our journey comforting—
Wood masts rot, or is it just
That planks reflect the gutter light
Of daybreak? Dawns we wake
To smoke of rusted galley stoves.
From buckets, swabbing hieroglyphs,
The story going on the wall.
Our prayer: Consume
My heart away. The seaman's
Cough, the first mate shrill.
Brass canteen, directory and quills
Coursing under foam, holds
Stocked with flour, rosaries.
We keep the books. We keep
And write it down, and look
For tell-tale signs.
An albatross. Whale whiteness
In the sky. The bleakness
Of our tarnished boat, the afterglows
Of beach. A voyage
We've been on so long.
But weren't we spoken to?
These rocking waves, vast winds.
No laws. Not here.
No laws, no hearth, no heart,
No dowry dress, we mean no harm.

Again, no offense to poet Valerie Duff for my lack of culture or "proper breeding" but the only word in my vocabulary that would be an appropriate response to the solicitation "what do you think" on that which is before me would be "interesting" - as I spontaneously nod my head up and down as if in some really deep interpretive thought.

How about many theoretical discussions on cosmic dark matter theories, such as an introduction to WIMPs:

"Short for Weakly Interacting Massive Particles, the ghostly WIMPs are predicted by theory but have so far eluded detection. With odd names like photino and masses of perhaps 10 to 100 times that of the proton, WIMPs could account for lots of dark matter if, as some theories predict, they are common in the universe. Cosmologists like cold-dark-matter WIMPs because they would be relatively heavy and thus move much slower than the speed of light. If so, they could have been the gravitational “seeds” around which regular matter congregated to form galaxies yet, because they don't interact with radiation, not affect the observed smoothness of the cosmic background radiation."

As before, no offense to professor Stephen Hawkins for my lack of culture or "proper breeding" but the only word in my vocabulary that would be an appropriate response to the solicitation "what do you think" on that which is before me would be "interesting" - as I spontaneously nod my head up and down as if in some really deep interpretive thought.

This is an interesting dilemma, is it not? 

Now, going forward, when others respond to my solicitation of "what do you think" about this Blog posting that is before them, I will have to decide if I have provoked thought within them or if they are masking their true opinion when they respond with "interesting" - as they spontaneously nod their heads up and down as if in some really deep interpretive thought.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Judgement Day

Family Radio International, a Christian radio-based ministry, has been prophesying across the world that on May 21, 2011, God will render His Final Judgement and will "...destroy the world because of the sins of mankind."  How they determined the exact date to be May 21, 2011, can be read in their website:

You can read it and decide for yourself! My purpose here is not to debate their prophesy because soon enough time will reveal the truth.  For those of us now in the Body of Christ, we're always anticipating Christ's return as we try to live according to God's Will, so if Jesus is to return in a few weeks from this posting - Hallelujah !

Many of us have seen "End of the World" prophesies before along with many false prophets that claim to be the Christ or to have been given special dispensation from the Son of God.  Heck, this has been going on for over the past 2,000 years.  Even Holy Scripture warns us against false prophets.  

"Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world."   
1 John 4:1

And just for clarification, I am not accusing Family Radio International of false prophesy - how would I know?  But because they have resurrected the issue of Judgement Day, there are two scenarios that should be considered:

Scenario 1:  They, Family Radio International, are right - May 21, 2011, is God's Judgement Day? 

Scenario 2:  They are wrong? 

May 22, 2011, will reveal the truth. 

Seriously though, if May 21st is Judgement Day:


 and if not


Once again, and as always, the Bible shows us the way to salvation:

"Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."
Romans 10:13:

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God
Ephesians 2:8

You see, even if Family Radio is wrong about May 21, 2011, eventually you will die!  No one gets out of here alive!  If not on May 21st, then when?  No matter when or how we meet our demise, we will face our own individual Judgement Day, so the above questions are still pertinent - are you ready and if not, what are you doing about it? 

Something else to consider about this Judgement Day prophesy.  Repercussions!  That is, if we all wake up on May 22nd, what will those that are not followers of Christ now say about Christianity?  What about their expected accusations that the Holy Bible was and is wrong?  Even now many atheist groups are planning Judgement Day parties in direct opposition to the Family Radio's message, and although Family Radio has a fall-back position, it appears to me that the Body of Christ would have been better served if we just continued proclaiming God's Word without putting a "drop-dead" date on it.  Yes, I know that God is bigger than all of this and He can overcome any and all of our dilemmas, even if our intentions were good.  Thank You God!

So where do we go from here - both literally and figuratively?  Because God gave us "free will" we get to decide exactly where we go from here.  We just don't get to know or decide WHEN!

Hey, if we are still around after all of this, maybe we can talk about the Mayan calendar next - ha!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


As Christians, we are very familiar with the Gospel accounts on the crucifixion of our Lord and Christ, Jesus. Part of that story temporarily focuses on two criminals (Luke 23:39-43) that were crucified along side with Jesus.  One criminal on Jesus' left and the other to His right.  Little is said about these two individuals or what their crimes were although some translations refer to these two as thieves.  What we can agree upon is that these two men were guilty of their crimes and were receiving their "just" punishment whereas Jesus, totally innocent of any crime, was nailed on a cross between these two criminals.

So why do you think that the the Gospel of Luke goes into detail about the remaining moments of these two other characters when surely our concern should entirely be on Jesus.  Well, we will find that the focus is still on Jesus once we examine who these two criminals represent and what Jesus offers to them.  You know - the Big Picture!

My interpretation of this scene is that these two criminals are not just two bad guys receiving their justice, but rather, in reality, they were not individuals at all but the collective representation of mankind - all of mankind, from Adam through the end of time.  All of mankind is guilty of sin and the consequence of that sin is death.  Hence, man's sinful nature, and the consequences thereof, were exemplified by the two criminals hanging next to Jesus.

Now, let's look at the individual characters of these two criminals.  As with all in the world, both were guilty of sin and both surely died for their sins.  But before we go there, let's momentarily return to Luke 23:39-42:  Here we find that in the world there are only two kinds of people: those that are unrepentant of their sin and mock God and those that repent and look to Jesus for salvation.  One criminal represents the former group (the lost) and the other criminal represents the latter group (the saved).

We Christians believe that even as sinners we can be rescued from our sins and anticipate life eternal with Jesus because, as we conclude in Luke 23:43, Jesus assures us, the repented, that we will be with Him in Paradise.  Jesus, the One without sin, became our sin and died on the cross so that we would have the promise of salvation.  It took a criminal to show us, the world, that if we repent of our sins and put our faith in Christ Jesus then we will be set free.  Unfortunately, too many in the world elect to follow the other criminal and dismiss the One True God in favor of other worldly gods.

So, does it bother you that you are considered to be a criminal subject to death by crucifixion for your sins?  Actually, the more important question to ask yourself is:

Which criminal are you?

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16


Monday, April 11, 2011

Mission Impossible

At the beginning of each episode of Mission Impossible, secret agent Jim Phelps received a package from his boss which, when activated, played a tape-recorded message that self-destructed after playing once.  The recorded message, which always started as "Your mission Jim, should you decide to accept it ...." described what Jim's mission was, and of course secret agent Jim always accepted his given mission.  Jim and his team always knew what their mission was and were given the tools, techniques and plans to achieve each and every mission.  There was no doubt as to what Jim's mission was.

How great would it be if we could know exactly what our mission is, that is, what the definitive purpose is for our lives.  God does not present us with a tape-recorded message that describes in detail what His plans are for us, or what our purpose is, or exactly how we are to achieve this even though He does provide us with the tools and techniques as written in Scripture and as exemplified through the life of Christ Jesus.  But the question remains - what is His Grand Plan for our individual lives!

It appears to be easier for us to look at other Christians and deduct from their professions, actions, or through their relationships what we assume their God-given purpose is for them.  Preachers are to preach God's Word, Pastors are to pastor the Church; Ministers are to minister to the people needs; Musicians and singers are to lead in Praise and Worship;  Bible intellects are to conduct Bible studies; and so on!  Seems obvious to the most casual observer even though we all know what it means to "assume". 

But what about us, the you's and the me's of this world, where our life's purpose is not so clear or concise as we (again) assume we think others lives are so well defined and spelled out?  How do we know if we are truly following God's plan for us?  Most of us are not in the lime-light; we're not leaders of a church or even a small group; we listen to great ones such as Billy Graham knowing that we were not meant to be a Billy Graham; we try to lead "normal" lives to provide for our families while working and succumbing to all those mundane ideals that society puts on us as tests of our security and successes. Where is God's plan for us in all of that noise and commotion?  Where does our purpose get defined and how do we know if we are succeeding if we don't have a recorded message from God?

The book "Purpose Driven Life" by Pastor Rick Warren is a phenomenal manifesto that goes through great lengths and presents many resources to help the readers to determine what on earth they are here for.  Everyone should read that book often but please realize that this book alone may not be the key that unlocks the mystery of your life for you, and the truth is - we, as individuals, may never unlock that mystery!

The point is that we must trust in God and truly believe that He is working His plan through us even if we do not know or "feel" it. Trust God! 

We all know that one day God will call us home; we just do not know how or when but we believe it will happen.  It's called faith.  Well, the same goes that one day we will fulfill God's purpose in us; we just may not know how or when.  Again, it's called faith.  But also know we are not left without plans or directions.  Just like special agent Jim and his team were given the tools, techniques and plans to achieve each and every mission, we too were given all that we need to fulfill His purpose in us. Within God's Word we are given His Plan for mankind; We were given His Son as our sacrifice so that we are free to pursue God's Plan; and from Jesus we were told exactly what we need to do achieve Gods Plan:

"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. (John 13:34)

Therefore, our life's purpose is to love others as God has loved us!

Now we know!  And just like special agent Jim Phelps, we will successfully complete our mission just in time and right on time!


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

GPS versus GOD

Do you trust your GPS (Global Positioning System) more than you trust GOD (GOD)?  Perhaps if we compare the virtues of the two entities together we may be able to determine where your real faith lies.  Of course, to make this analysis truly objective and fair, we must overlook for the time being that although man (homo sapiens) created the GPS it was GOD who created man.  So, for this exercise we'll begin with the premise that both GPS and GOD are co-equals.

For starters, both GPS and GOD reside in the heavens.  We look up skyward with our questions and the responses stream downward to us.

Both GPS and GOD provide us with directions: GPS can direct us from point A to point B based upon where we are now to where we want to go whereas GOD directs us from where we are now to where He wants us to go.

GPS's coverage is Global; GOD's coverage is Universal and then some.

GPS tells us which direction to travel, which way and when to turn, how far we have to go, and when we arrive at our destination.  GOD gives us "free will" to travel as we elect.

If we deviate from its prescribed path, GPS will "recalculate", correct our wrong turns, and head us back in the intended direction.  GOD forgives our transgressions.

GPS can only respond to what we tell it to do, whether our requests are right or wrong, whereas GOD responds to what is in our hearts.

GPS has to be updated frequently; is subject to blackouts due to various circumstances; must be recharged to maintain operational power; is subject to breakage; comes with a limited warranty and is eventually replaced with newer technologically advanced models.

GOD is All-Knowing, All-Powerful and All-Present.  GOD is the Alpha and the Omega - no upgrades required.

In summary: If you are lost on the road by all means trust your GPS.  But, if you are lost on the road to Salvation there is only one source to trust and it is not found in technology.  AMEN to that!!
