Sunday, August 11, 2019

Biblical Healing II - Commentary

“Biblical Healing”
(Part Two in a series of Biblical Healing teachings)

Yes, I wanted to obey God’s commands and to obey His Word through obedience and prayer but I had not realized that I had segregated God by putting Him into a box where He ruled apart from another box where the world ruled, and the two boxes could not coexist, especially when it came to physical matters. You see, I knew God could perform miracle healing through faith and prayer but I defaulted the aches, pains and diseases to the every day world.

Do you do that too? Apart from prayer and anointing, did I rely upon God’s Word to lead me to Biblical Healing? Did I ever ask the Holy Spirit to lead me to His Word regarding health and medicinal issues? Did I just scan over those Bible passages that spoke of healing properties in God’s masterful design? Did I even realize that God’s ENTIRE creation was purposefully designed to self-regulate and self-heal, especially notable in all living matter. You will hear more later how our bodies are self regulating and self healing – something that our medical professionals are taught initially but then are taught to disregard. Same was true for me, and perhaps for you, taught that our bodies are self regulating and self healing, nonetheless understanding what that really means!

Quoting from the book Divine Healing by Andrew Murray the author reminds us that "Jesus came to deliver men from sin and sickness that He might make known the love of the Father. In His actions, in His teachings to the disciples, in the work of the apostles, pardon and healing are always to be found together. Either the one or the other may doubtless appear more in relief, according to he development or faith of those to whom they spoke”. End quote. 

There is that word - FAITH. Matthew 17:20: …"I say to you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you."

Could that proverbial mountain be one of bodily pain and physical suffering, perhaps as common as a cold or complex as cancer?

Again from Divine Healing: “We see, by the accounts given in the Gospels, that it was more difficult for the Jews at that time to believe in the pardon of their sins than in divine healing. (Unfortunately) Now it is just the contrary.”

It is at this point I must separate this discussion from Divine Intervention - that being a matter of one’s individual faith – separate from God’s material provisions for man’s natural healing.

Little did I know that the Holy Bible is also a shopping list complete with healing prescriptions and recipes for what is ailing me now or perhaps preventing future dis-ease. 

Think of all the illnesses, diseases, or medical conditions that you have endured or a currently suffering through. Now think of all the medications that you have taken of are currently exposed to along with their detrimental side effects.

So, what if, now, what if … pure speculation … what if you could substitute man’s chemicals with God’s creation and experience real healing?

Do you believe?