Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Politicizing God

 Making God Political:

What does the Republican Party endorse versus the Democratic Party? That's where we need to look. Which Party is closest to fulfilling God's Will? Which Party does ones "walk in faith" lead to?


Simply put, does God want us to kill his unborn children - those children have souls! Does God want us to legalize same sex marriage when He created marriage for a "one man and one woman"? Does God want us to redefine genders after He created only two genders - a man and a woman?


Do God’s laws change or are we voting for a Party that changes God's Laws?


Do we want to vote for a Party that has removed God from their Party platform; from their daily proceedings; from the pledge to the US flag; from schools and public places; invites satanic invocations at the beginning of public meetings; and the list goes on - or vote for a Party that fears God and prays to Him as a political Party?


Do we vote for the Party that keeps abortion clinics open during the pandemic as essential businesses while closing churches and assemblies of worship? Jesus said that we cannot serve two masters, that we are to be "in the world" but not "of the world", so we must choose between serving God or serving the world.


Your vote reflects your walk of faith! Which path are you going to take?