Tuesday, May 18, 2010


It has been said by many that there are only two types of people - leaders and followers.  I'm not sure if that was intended to be a definitive statement because based upon my observations these roles intermingle and we move freely between them as situations demand.  However, in our "professional roles" we usually find ourselves in semi-permanent positions where we work for someone and maybe have others working under our tutelage.  In other words, we all have superiors, peers, and maybe subordinates.  This relationship also exists outside the workplace and applies to most of our personal and family relationships.  This hierarchy helps define our pecking-order to maximize cultural cohesion and to minimize potential chaos.

Two terms are commonly used to describe those appointed, or maybe self-appointed, to be our guardians: Boss and Leader.  In my opinion the term "boss" has negative implications while "leader" exhibits positive vibes.  Perhaps it's because we don't always, if ever, pick our bosses but we can consciously and deliberately pick our leaders.

Boss can be defined as one who gives orders; a superior; one over others;

Leader can be defined as one who guides; a principal; one in front of others.

To reiterate, these characteristics apply to bosses, parents, friends, associates, and all other interpersonal relationships!


Let's review some defining characteristics that clearly separate these two ideologies.  This is not a scientific study nor is it endorsed by any professional entity - it's just the opinion of one!

 Bosses                                        Leaders

Do As I Say                              Lead By Example  
    Gives Orders                            Seeks Advice / Input 
Closed Door Policy                    Open Door Policy   
Speaks                                     Listens                 
     Focuses on Faults                     Builds Upon Strengths  
Impediment                              Helper                  
Frowns                                    Smiles / Laughs     
Exclusive                                  Inclusive               
 Abuses "The System"                 Uses "The System"  
  Points the Finger                       Takes Responsibility 
Plays Favorites                          Promotes Equality  
      Egotistic                                    Gives Credit to Others 

Which ones describe you?

What are you doing about it?
