Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Defining Moment

What defines you?  That is, how do you perceive yourself to be or how you desire others to perceive you to be?  What is it that ultimately defines you as a person?  How do you complete the sentence..." I am ______!"  Are you defined by your gender; your marital status; your age?  How about your college degree or perhaps your career or job title?  Could it be your wealth or lack thereof?  Your health; your possessions?  What about the car you drive or maybe it's your accumulation of adult toys?  Let's not forget your house - you know, The American Dream!  Maybe you identify via your sexual preference, that certainly is quite popular these days!  Do you relate to your status as a parent or through your kids, grand kids or your great-grand kids.  Forget successes, maybe you define yourself through your failures or your self-imposed tribulations!

Let's rephrase the question or approach it from a different perspective.  What would it finally take to make you truly happy; to make you feel that once you obtain or achieve this "thing" that your life will be fulfilled?  Is it a promotion at work; reaching retirement; a college degree; a wedding band on your finger; children to carry-on your family name; winning the lottery or competing on American Idol or Dancing with the Stars?  How about a title before your name or some initials after it?  Perhaps a political position, a prestigious appointment or achieving celebrity status.  What is your top priority in life?  Where are you going and where do you want to end up?  What are you looking for?  How do you want your obituary to read?

So, what is it that truly defines you?  What is it that is keeping you from attaining the ultimate confirmation that "you have arrived?"  What would it take for you to be fully satisfied with what you have as God has provided for you?

Gal 2:20 I myself no longer live, but Christ lives in me. So I live my life in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
