Saturday, January 21, 2012

Sew Their!

How often are we confronted with the improper application of the words there, their or they’re? In my opinion, more often than what should be accepted as an occasional typing error. Too me it has become quite obvious that to many people do not know there theirs from they’re there’s. Perhaps one can point the blame on our educational system, their certainly is enough they’re too blame, but when the “typo” is from an adults to, perhaps the problem is beyond intelligence and harbors on lackadaisical indifference!

Another thought looks at the current phenomena of “texting” whereby the spelling of words are shortened on purpose "two xpidite the typin of wrds 2 save thumb-time." The real challenge to texting is knowing when too use text-talk and when knot to. Imagine when a young school graduate applies four a job interview and throughout the resume is text-talk. Yes, I’ll hire you rite now!

Technology applications in the world of digital error correction software impose additional challenges when one relys upon “spell-check” or even the more dangerous “auto-correction” in place of manuel proof-reading. Both of these applications are great tools but to totally relay upon there finished product without one’s personal editorial review before publishing is really putting your intellectual credibility open four scrutiny. Most grammer-checking applications are also unreliable and should therefore be used only as a secondary means too edit one’s righting!

Now please do not interpret my observations hear and label me as a “no-it-all” because I to have printed my share of English foupahs! Know one is perfect butt should we knot strive towards perfection by carefully examining our publications before hitting the “send button” in hour e-mails and other on-line or written correspondences? Its just really an eye-opener when I read papers from pubic schools that have been graded with an “A” yet have obvious errors as were discussing hear and it appears that neither the teacher nor the student our concerned.

Well, you may shruff this off and pretend that all of this is know big deal, but four me I will continue with my endeavor to not only be correct in what I due but also to correct others as I deem necessary - so they‘re, oops, their, I mean, there!
